- Evans & Rafieyan (2018) with Vahid Rafieyan. Using L1 to encourage more complex and fluent production in L2 tasks. Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods. ISSN 2251-6204.
- Evans & Berning (2018) with Brian Berning. Evidence of hostility to a theory of cross-cultural communication in English Language Teaching. Journal of Communication Arts.
- Evans (2018, Editor) Learning without limits. Tsuru Studies in Language Learning, Number 15, Volume 2.
- Berning & Evans (2017) with Brian Berning. Cultural identity and student language support in oral productive tasks: Questioning the “zero-sum game” mentality. 都留文科大学研究起用 The Tsuru University Review, Volume 86.
- Evans (2017). Biolinguistic minimalism and subconscious pattern matching. 英語英文学論集 Tsuru Studies in English Linguistics and Literature, Number 14.
- Takahashi, Evans, & Ohno (2017) with Hiroshi Takahashi and Masaki Ohno. An integrated analysis of the just because-X-not-Y construction in English. The English Linguistics Society of Japan, Volume 34.
- Evans (2017). Simpler semantics in a minimalist construction grammar. 都留文科大学研究紀要 The Tsuru University Review, Volume 85.
- Evans (2016). Transformational and unification grammars. 都留文科大学研究紀要 The Tsuru University Review, Volume 83.
- Evans (2016). Linguistics applied to the interlanguage: The social turn. Tsuru Studies in Linguistics and Literature. Volume 44.
- Evans (2016). Simpler semantics for computational and cognitive linguistics. Proceedings of the International Conference on Asian Linguistics, Nguyen Tat Than University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- Evans (2015). Appropriate tool use in speaking tasks for pairs. 都留文科大学研究紀要 The Tsuru University Review, Volume 82.
- Evans (2015). Blended course work and mobile device-mediated collaborative tasks. 42nd JACET summer seminar proceedings.
- Evans (2014). Raising expectations in Asian ELT. Tsuru University Global Communication Center, Volume 9.
Hywel Evans: Presentations
- Rafieyan & Evans (2018). Using L1 to control language production in written tasks. Task-based Language Teaching in Asia, JALT, Ryukoku University, Kyoto. June 23rd. With Vahid Rafieyan.
- Evans & Berning (2018). Evidence of hostility to a theory of cross-cultural communication in English language teaching. Cross-Cultural Communication Conference, University Ramon Llul, Barcelona. January 24th. With Brian Berning.
- Evans (2016). Simpler semantics for computational and cognitive linguistics.International Conference on Asian Linguistics, Nguyen Tat Than University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. December 15th.
- Evans (2015). Blended course work and mobile device-mediated collaborative tasks. 42nd JACET summer seminar, Kusatsu. August 18th.