1. Why is it not enough to just think about the meaning of words?
2. How are sentences (or propositions) handled in Propositional Logic?
3. What is a truth value?
4. How are passive sentences treated in Propositional Logic?
5. What kind of labels are given to propositions in Propositional Logic?
6. Say we have a proposition p where p = “Jim is smiling.” When is p = F?
7. Say we have a proposition p where p = “The sky is blue.” What if someone says that at night. Is p True or False?
8. Say we have two propositions: P = “Ben is studying.” Q = “Ben is sleeping.” Can both p and q be True?
9. Say we have two propositions: P = “Ben is studying.” R = “Ben is using his mobile phone.” Can both p and q be True?
10. What is the connective for “and” in Propositional Logic?
11. What is the connective for “or” in Propositional Logic?
12. What is the connective for “not” in Propositional Logic?
13. What is the connective for “if … then” in Propositional Logic?
14. What is the connective for “if and only if” in Propositional Logic?
15. Say we have two propositions p and q. When is p ∧ q = True?
16. Say we have two propositions p and q. When is p ∨ q = True?
17. Say we have two propositions p and q. When is p→ q = True?
18. Say we have two propositions p and q. When is p ≡ q = True? (Don’t forget p ≡ q is the same as p⇔q).