British Isles イギリス諸島
influential 影響力の大きい
patchwork 寄せ集め
Hadrian’s wall ハドリアヌスの長城
sewage 下水、汚水
1. What is the difference between the British Isles and the United Kingdom?
2. Why isn’t the Republic of Ireland in the United Kingdom?
3. How many islands are there in the British Isles? (trick question)
4. Which country is really the home of the English language?
5. What are the three main languages spoken in the British Isles today?
6. When were the Celts at their strongest in Europe?
7. What is surprising about many signposts in the British Isles?
8. When did the Romans colonize Britain?
9. What are the two main groups of Celtic languages? Where are they spoken?
10. What marked the northern limit of the Roman Empire in Britain?
11. What happened to the Pictish language?
12. What benefits did the Romans bring to Britain?
13. When did the Romans start leaving Britain?
14. Where were the Romano-British Celts being attacked from?